Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Watercooler TV

Last night i watched This Life again for the first time in 10 years.

I can't really make up my mind as to whether this episode was any good or not (on balance probably closer to not than good). But that's not really the point of this is it. To coin the phrase used in the programme, BBC wanted loads of fucked up mid 30's metrosexuals to bask in nostalgia for their early 20's.

So I did.

And I felt better for it.

Because, I look back with fondness to events (weddings, parties) or trips (climbing, surfing), or stuff I did (work - no that's bollocks, sorry). And if I reminisce about a time, its usually school, or college, or recently, when my kids were born.

Its seldom those just finished uni, got a job, got money days of the early 90's.

But that time in my life was brilliant. Utterly brilliant.

So I've been feeling fuzzy today. Not worrying about what the next wave of culture will leave, not worrying about what people will think or do tomorrow. Just happy about what I did 10 years ago.

Anyway whilst I'm reminiscing

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